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Vicki Sandler

Happy New Year to You and “Me Too!”

Updated: Jun 1, 2019

Now is the time to speak up, to inspire others and take action as we celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.!*

Dr. King was a true leader because he inspired action for a more just future! You can be a leader too for all those who you touch! Speak up and wake others up who are not respecting their fellow men and women. Inspire a better future—a dream in others, and take action beyond injustices that you see, as did Dr. King. Some suggested actions you can take to make our world a better place, are below. Resolve that in 2018 you are a part of the solution!


Let the struggles of the past inform our actions of today. We have momentum to level the playing field for women, minorities, gays and lesbians and to be tolerant of different religions and faiths. There is a culture shift and an awakening occurring and it is up to each of you to keep that momentum going to activate true change. We are still working to put the Civil Rights Act of 1965 INTO PRACTICE!

2018 began with the “Me Too” movement transforming into “Times Up!” Over 300 women in Hollywood began raising money to put resources toward solving systemic sexual harassment, in all industries, and to provide representation in board rooms and beyond—  to combat workplace sexism through legal recourse.


As I reflect over more than 6 decades, I am surprised by the fact that many of our daughters, are not paid equally—STILL! I too experienced that in an industry dominated by men, many former military members and engineers, in the early 1980s-2000. The former CFO, advised me when I was President of their subsidiary energy company that I was paid over $80,000 less than a male in a similar capacity. I only made headway by seeking other employment and being offered a similar position with a significant increase in salary. That must end!

Whether you are a man or a woman, respecting your fellow workers should be the norm. We must speak up and not let discrimination of any kind continue.


As Oprah so eloquently said at the recent Golden Globes Awards: So I want all the girls watching here and now to know that a new day is on the horizon! And when that new day finally dawns, it will be because of a lot of magnificent women, many of whom are right here in this room tonight, and some pretty phenomenal men, fighting hard to make sure that they become the leaders who take us to the time when nobody ever has to say “me too” again.

I have been privileged to travel many places in the world and to walk and talk with the local people. What you learn by doing that is we all share the need for food, shelter, safety and love. We all want to be happy, have the best for our family, experience pain when we suffer, joy when we achieve and hope for a better future.You can be a true leader, speak your truth, and take action in many ways. For example, our representatives need to listen and be accountable for the issues that matter to us. Let your voice be heard. Imagine an Arizona where everyone can thrive! Operation Haboob is a nonpartisan People’s Platform for issues that matter to you. (Haboob means a dramatic dust storm that brings in rain for life to grow in a desert.)

See the short video on Operation Haboob, up at the Arizona Capital on January 18, 2018 at 10am for the results of the survey that inform our platform. Take similar actions in your State.


Here are some preliminary results for Arizona:


Other actions include: Contribute to the Time’s Up Campaign!  I have. Confront discrimination respectfully when you witness or experience it! Don’t be silent about the things that matter, as Dr. King advises.

Ultimately in 2018 and beyond, be a warrior for love and go into battle for the values of loving compassion, kindness and respect our fellow brothers, sisters, and our earth.



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